Colorful Nature — Doodlewash®

For our prompt of “Finch” today, I couldn’t decide which color of finch to sketch so I just sketched three of them in primary colors. Birds are one of my favorite things to sketch so I figured a trio would be a good option for this one. 571 more words Colorful Nature — Doodlewash®

on battling with self-doubt

Recently, I’ve been nominated for a position in my home org. If everything was normal, I would have accepted that nomination without any second thought. However, this whole situation got me reflecting on a lot of things. I’ve realized that I’ve over-committed on a lot of things; which in turn, affected my performance. I initially…

on expecting the worst

(Hi! This is the first time that I’m writing again after two years.  Forgive me for the grammatical errors, I am writing this out of frustration at 12 in the morning) —— Reading my old posts makes me smile and cringe at the same time. I love how optimistic I am with a lot of…

musings: on a train ride headed to UP

Words and art by yours truly I’ve rode the MRT a  lot of times before. From going to my mom’s office, to the review center I enrolled in during the summer, to our internship headquarters, and a lot more places — this is something familiar to me. A routine I’ve accustomed to for years. Or…

On passion and practicality

Words and art by yours truly [Disclaimer: I don’t think that this one makes sense (or that the title is misleading), I feel like I’m just rambling but whatever, this is just me being frustrated HAHA.] We’ve been told to pick a more practical path for the future. “Arts are just for hobbies,” that line…

Spreading the love that saves

Spreading the love that saves A reflection on Camp CALYE 2018: Elements Love, is often taken for granted. We throw ‘I love you’s even when we do not mean it. We ditch our best friends – who have seen our best and worst episodes, for temporary flings. We often neglect our families for earthly matters…

Musings #1: Too Soon

Photo and words by yours truly [This sounded like a cheesy af love letter when really it’s just a metaphor on how I feel towards leaving UST. ] Did you ever feel like you are going to lose a big chunk of your life? It’s like not being able to take grasp of the present– “the…

On call-out culture

Words & Visuals by me This is more of a short rant for me. I love how people are more aware on the social and political issues these days. It means that more people would want to be a part of creating change and breaking the stigma in certain issues in the society. I have…

Check out my online portfolio!

One of my New Year’s Resolution this year includes developing my skills on graphic design. I’m fully aware that I still have a lot to learn, but I want to step out of comfort zone and share my progress with you guys along the way. Here’s the link if you want to check it out:…

4 Things School Never Taught Me

Photo credits There are a lot of things that I realized once I entered Senior High School, and these are just some of the things that I learned. As I am writing this, I am currently in the middle of my stay-cation (because I really love staying at home), but instead of moping around I…

Task 1 – We want to get to know you! (#WIMtern)

Hello! I’m Joselle Marie B. Fajardo, Grade 12, from the University of Santo Tomas. I love anything and everything that is related to Music and Arts. I learned to use the Photoshop when I was in 8th grade. I enjoyed the Computer subject a lot, and I didn’t know that I would use those skills…

Imagine being a flower — My Life as an Artist (2)

Watercolour/gouache“Just imagine becoming the way you used to be as a very young child, before you understood the meaning of any word, before opinions took over your mind. The real you is loving, joyful, and free. The real you is just like a flower, just like the wind, just like the ocean, just […] via Imagine…

Sketchy character… — Observaterry

Last year I was feeling the need to get back to drawing and sketching. Photography and photoshopping are both fine, but the creative skills required to get a decent photo aren’t quite as engaging as those required to produce an image on paper from scratch. Apart from anything else, these days it’s too easy to […]…